Make a Donation

Make a Donation
  • Confirm SteamID
    current step
    {{ DonationDetails.GiftDetails.User }}
    {{ DonationDetails.GiftDetails.SteamID }}
    {{ DonationDetails.User }}
    {{ DonationDetails.SteamID }}
  • Choose Perk
    current step
    {{ Perk[DonationDetails.Perk].name }}
  • Choose Server
    current step
    {{ DonationDetails.Server.mode }}
  • Confirm & Pay
    current step

Use Linked Steam Account

Account not found

{{ SteamUser.personaname }}

{{ SteamUser.steamid32 }}

Seems that you haven't linked your Steam Account.
Make your donation easier & faster by linking your Steam Account with your NiDE.GG Account
Or find SteamID manually

Account not found

Seems that you haven't login on our website.
Make your donation easier & faster by login or register on our website through Steam
Or find SteamID manually

Make a Gift

Find SteamID Manually

Enter the SteamID, SteamID3, SteamID64, Custom URL or Profile URL.
  • SteamID STEAM_0:1:105131968
  • SteamID3 [U:1:210263937]
  • SteamID3 without brackets U:1:210263937
  • SteamID64 76561198170529665
  • CustomURL ingamecss
  • Profile URL
  • Profile URL with CustomURL
Something went wrong. Please report to administrator
You can not make gift for yourself :D
{{ SearchAccount.Details.personaname }}
{{ SearchAccount.Details.steamid32 }}
{{ SearchAccount.Details.response }}
Should it be NoSteam user?
Wrong SteamID format. Correct format example: STEAM_0:1:105131968
{{ SearchAccount.Details.personaname }}

{{ SearchAccount.Details.steamid32 }}

Choose Perk


3 €

per month

4 €

per month
You should login or register to donate for Admin
Personal Skin
Select this perk to see the rules of donating for it
Custom Donation
Custom donation does NOT grant any perks on our servers
How much do you wish to donate?
Donation amount can't be less than {{ Perk[DonationDetails.Perk].priceLimit }} €
If you want to extend an existing skin then Click here
Requirements for skin
  • You can only buy one skin for each team (humans and zombies).
  • Skin should be for the server-side, skin for client-side not allowed.
  • Skin should be easily recognizable as either human or zombie.
  • Non-default skin sizes are not allowed.
    This means that skin size 2x more/less than normal game model size is not allowed.
Sequence of Payments
  • Price for first month will be - 7 €.
  • If you extend an existing skin for second month, then price will be - 6 €.
  • If you extend an existing skin for third month, then price will be - 4 €.
  • If you want to extend an existing skin beyond 3 months the price will remain at 4 € per month.
  • If you want to change your skin you will have to start payment from 7 € for the first month, then 6 € for the second etc...
Where can I find a skin for myself?
Below are a few websites where you can choose skin(s) for yourself:
    Counter-Strike: Source:
  • GameArmy
  • GameBanana
  • Gun-Game

  • If you know any other websites with skins then you can leave the link on website where you found skin for yourself
You are donating {{ GetPriceWithFees }} € (approximately {{ DonationDetails.Price }} € after PayPal fees) for {{ Perk[DonationDetails.Perk].name }} status for {{ DonationDetails.Days }} days{{ DonationDetails.GiftDetails.SteamID ? " as gift" : "" }}.
You are donating {{ GetPriceWithFees }} € (approximately {{ DonationDetails.Price }} € after PayPal fees) for {{ Perk[DonationDetails.Perk].name }} ({{ }}) for {{ DonationDetails.Days }} days{{ DonationDetails.GiftDetails.SteamID ? " as gift" : "" }}.
You are donating {{ Perk[DonationDetails.Perk].fees ? GetPriceWithFees : DonationDetails.Price }} € (approximately {{ Perk[DonationDetails.Perk].fees ? GetPriceWithFees - CalculatePayPalFees() : DonationDetails.Price - CalculatePayPalFees() }} € after PayPal fees) for being a good person :)
{{ server.ip }}:{{ server.port }}
You are donating {{ GetPriceWithFees }} € (approximately {{ DonationDetails.Price }} € after PayPal fees) for {{ Perk[DonationDetails.Perk].name }} status for {{ DonationDetails.Days }} days{{ DonationDetails.GiftDetails.SteamID ? " as gift" : "" }} on {{ DonationDetails.Server.mode }} server.
If You don't have active Admin perk yet then after donation our system will send you PM on our website with password to access Your Admin.
You are donating {{ GetPriceWithFees }} € (approximately {{ DonationDetails.Price }} € after PayPal fees) for {{ Perk[DonationDetails.Perk].name }} ({{ }}) for {{ DonationDetails.Days }} days{{ DonationDetails.GiftDetails.SteamID ? " as gift" : "" }} on {{ DonationDetails.Server.mode }} server.
You are donating {{ Perk[DonationDetails.Perk].fees ? GetPriceWithFees : DonationDetails.Price }} € (approximately {{ Perk[DonationDetails.Perk].fees ? GetPriceWithFees - CalculatePayPalFees() : DonationDetails.Price - CalculatePayPalFees() }} € after PayPal fees) for being a good person :)
Note! Since You are donating for Personal Skin, it may take some time to check the skin. The expire time will start when it's approved and applied.
You have {{ 100 - DonationDetails.Comment.length }} characters left for input.
Redirecting to PayPal